Singing Guide: Cockerel Chorus

Singing Guide: Cockerel Chorus

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Cockerel Chorus has been a leading all-male choir in the barbershop style since their beginning. Known for their tight harmonies and polished performances, the Cockerels offer a unique sound that sets them apart from other barbershop groups.

In order to learn to sing like the Cockerel Chorus, there are several things to keep in mind.

  • It is important to understand that the barbershop style is all about precision harmonies.
  • Use the closed vowel "oo" to achieve a unified sound like the Cockerels.
  • Practice breath control exercises like Farinelli Breathing to allow for more sustained notes and a smoother sound.
  • Expand your range and control to be able to move from soft, subtle passages to full-throated, powerful moments.
  • Study the unique techniques of the Cockerel Chorus, such as their use of a "ringing" tone and their particular approach to dynamics. The Cockerel's video on Chest Voice Explained is particularly helpful for this.

As always, Singing Carrots has a wealth of resources to help you learn to sing like the Cockerel Chorus. The pitch accuracy test, pitch monitor, and pitch training game can all help you improve your skills.

In conclusion, by working on blending, breath control, range, and studying the unique techniques of the Cockerel Chorus, you too can learn to sing in the barbershop style with the same level of skill.

With Singing Carrots' resources and your own dedication, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

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